Day Care Anaesthesia SIG

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Day Care Anaesthesia SIG


The Day Care Anaesthesia SIG aims to promote science and education through the exchange of ideas between anaesthetists with a particular interest and involvement in day care anaesthesia and the interaction with other individuals / groups, who share an interest in day care anaesthesia.

The SIG has about 1000 registered members.

The executive of the Day Care Anaesthesia SIG meets regularly, usually via teleconference, to discuss matters related to the group’s area of interest. Please feel free to contact any of the listed executive members.

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Watch our video presentation on DayCOR Registry Preliminary Steps

Executive Committee

Chair Dr Ken Sleeman Qld
Member Dr Shravani Gupta NSW
Member Dr Leena Nagappan WA
Member Dr Sanjiv Sawhney QLD
To be co-opted Dr Reg Edward Vic


The activities of the SIG may include:

  • Organising SIG scientific sessions at major annual scientific meetings / congresses and other independent SIG meetings.
  • Organising independent SIG meetings on other occasions with the approval of the Anaesthesia Continuing Education Co-ordinating Committee (ACECC).
  • Providing a resource with respect to the appropriate standards of care in the area of special interest.
  • Providing advice to Anaesthesia Continuing Education on the distribution of educational material and to ANZCA, the Australian Society of Anaesthetists or the New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists on liaison with similar organisations in other regions of the world.

Visit the DayCOR Website

Check out our new website

This Clinical Quality Registry is based on a hospital led SMS system. It requires the input of simple data (logging) immediately prior to the patient’s discharge.

Contact us

For further information, please SIG secretariate, Suzanne Bowyer.